Reliable firing and pressing for all commercially-available materials
VITA VACUMAT 6000 MP is built to guarantee safe and reliable pressing results. This combipress unit combines all the advantages of a modern firing and press furnace with a compact design that sets new standards. VITA VACUMAT 6000 MP features all the programs and functions of VITA VACUMAT 6000 M.
It can also be used to press all commercially-available press ceramics, and is suitable for a wide variety of muffle systems. The automatic detection of the number of pellets that have been used prevents any pressing errors or damage to the firing muffle as a result of an insufficient load (VITA PressControl).
- A firing muffle with maximum durability (“Made in Germany”) and reliable electronics for consistently excellent firing results
- Automatic prevention of condensation in the firing chamber (VITA AntiCon)
- Automatic temperature adjustment to +/-1 °C every time a program is started (VITA AutoAdjust)
- An automatic cleaning function (VITA SpecialClean)
- VITA CPress ceramic press technology developed by VITA that offers fault-free operation
- Automatic press path monitoring as well as automatic detection by VITA PressControl of the pressing pellets used
- Controlled fast cooling and energy-saving night mode (VITA Energy Efficiency)
- Operate up to four furnaces using just a single VITA vPad control unit
- Use the VITA MultiPump to supply up to four furnaces with just a single vacuum pump – a simply unique system, patented by VITA
- Reduce your energy bills by up to 70 % with VITA Energy Efficiency
In order to operate the furnace, you will need one or more VITA vPad control units.
- Service and monitoring programs, e.g. automatic temperature adjustment before every start of the program, temperature and vacuum control, counter for operating hours of firing muffles
- Power failure protection
- Adjustable vacuum values, adjustable pre vacuum and main vacuum
- Lift monitor, adjustable lift speed
- Freely adjustable lift positions for pre-drying and slow cooling
- Fast cooling to standby temperature
Reliable firing and pressing for all commercially-available materials
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