Artex Articulation

All Artex®articulators at one sight
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artex® cr

Produced by the dental technician in an articulator, a dental prosthesis must function with-out a problem for the patient.
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artex® ct

The non-Arcon workhorse – the prosthetic articulator.
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artex® cpr

Arcon base unit: _Partially adjustable Arcon articulator with 3 working positions, no tipping overe.
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artex® cn

The non-Arcon carbon base model – the bestselling Carbon-Artex® The entry to the world of Artex-Carbon
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artex® bn

The non-arcon Artex basic model for inexpensive introduction to the world of Artex articulators.
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artex® facebow

Artex facebow, transfer jig and articulator form a single communication unit.
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splitex® calibration

All Artex articulators can be adjusted to uniformity of design using the Splitex key and Splitex plate set.
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