ceramill® splintec
The transparent PMMA blanks Ceramill Splintec and Ceramill Splintec Standard used for fabricating therapeutic splints can be easily and reproducibly milled. Available in 2 heights and a Class 2a medical product Ceramill Splintec is suitable for long-term use for up to 3 years – Ceramill Splintec Standard has an intraoral time of up to 6 months.
The industrially prefabricated splint material provides high oral comfort and also impresses due to its neutral taste and odour. The high surface quality reduces discoloration and plaque accumulation to a minimum.>

- Therapeutic splints
- Positioning splints
- Stabilizing splints
- Occlusal splints
- The digital fabrication approach ensures process reliability and massive savings in time
- Industrially manufactured, homogeneous splint material guarantees optimum intraoral comfort thanks to neutral taste and odour
- High surface quality reduces discoloration and plaque accumulation to a minimum
- Flexural Strength: 96.6 MPa
- E-Module: 2773 MPa
- Density: 1,19 g/cm3
- Residual Monomer Content: < 1.0%
- Water Absorption: 26,5 μg/mm3
- Water Solubility: 0.2 μg /mm3
- Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and methacrylic acid ester-based cross-linked polymers
- Residual peroxide
- Methyl methacrylate (MMA) may be contained up to a maximum of 1 % as residual monomer