ceramill® m-plant

Ceramill Mind abutment module for the fabrication of customised abutments and screw-retained bridges

Ceramill M-Plant is an upgrade module for the Ceramill Mind design software and upgrades it with the function to design customised titanium and hybrid abutments as well as customised, screw-retained bridges on conical titanium bases made from zirconium oxide, CoCr sinter metal, PMMA (stained), wax, titanium, CoCr (milled). Ceramill M-Plant has the respective libraries of all commonly used implant systems, which are continually extended.

The clearly structured design of the user interface enables an effortless and easy contruction of abutments and bridge restorations. The different functions available for the free and flexible design of abutment and emergence profile provide a high degree of freedom for the customised design and natural aesthetics of the final restoration.

  • Design of all the required components for implant prosthetics in the software in a single stage: abutment, anatomical framework, if necessary wax framework for the overpress technique
  • All from a single source – software and titanium bases are perfectly coordinated, ensuring high process reliability
  • Emergence profile is individually adapted to the gingiva
  • Continually increasing titanium base library