ceramill® m-splint
Therapeutic splints – functional and accurately fitting
The Ceramill M-Splint was specially developed for the fabrication of customised therapeutic splints, which can be fabricated accurately fitting with interference-free functionality with the aid of the Ceramill Artex articulator. Once the design is complete, the splints can be fabricated from Ceramill Splintec PMMA blanks using Ceramill 5X milling machines.
As a Class 2a medical device Ceramill Splintec is suitable for long-term use.

- High saving in time and process reliability due to digitally predictable, reproducible results and controllable design parameters
- Industrially prefabricate material with a high surface quality reduces discoloration and plaque accumulation to a minimum
- Individually adjustable design parameters reduce manual fi nishing work
- Precise occlusal contacts ensure functional splint design
- Maximum convenience: Time-consuming manual fabrication is no longer required – this prevents the associated harmful vapours